The President of the Hospital Foundation, Dr. Augusto Pereira, said:
“There are specialties at the JM de los Rios, that do not receive help from anyone, and patients are getting worse every day. Such is the case of neurological patients, who suffer seizures and convulsions, and every time they suffer an attack brain damage is caused.”
In essence, the hospital does not have medicines for children with epilepsy!
Upon the foundation's inquiry, the hospital requested the following medicines:
The foundation and the hospital signed an MOU to deliver as much as it was possible for the foundation. The medicines were bought in Colombia by Luz Elena Pargo, the foundation’s representative in that country. The shipment was arranged with a company from Panama. The first shipment of Valproic Acid, both in syrup for smaller children and in tablets for older children was made on Tuesday, August 20, 2019. The following are pictures of the delivery.